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WingRiders is provably secure DEX on Cardano
The WingRiders source code has been audited by the renowned security company CERTIK. Let’s explain why a security audit is important, how it is performed, and most importantly, what was the result.
How the financial world works
Today’s financial world is centralized and regulated. This means that your funds are held and operated by regulated institutions that are directly responsible for your assets. These commercial institutions are overseen by government authorities who audit the process, accounting, or infrastructure security level. Bank accounts are often insured, so if the bank unexpectedly goes bankrupt or is robbed, users will not lose their money.
Users trust third parties, such as banks, and at the same time trust authorities to audit banks thoroughly. If the bank does not behave according to the rules and users are not satisfied, they can complain to the authorities. Bankers cannot simply steal money from their clients, as this is illegal and easily detected. In the event of major problems, the authorities would revoke the banks’ licenses needed to operate the service.
Today’s financial world is built on trust in institutions and the legal system.